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4 Myths UK Telecoms Service Providers Want You to Believe

July 11, 2024



min read

As technology advances, the connectivity needs of businesses change and grow. Unfortunately, other UK telecoms service providers lack the agility to adapt their services to this ever-changing landscape. They would rather keep customers in the dark about the infrastructure they are using, so they stay complacent with the status quo.

At Vorboss, we think that's wrong, so we'll dive into some of the most common myths that UK telecoms service providers perpetuate. A lack of transparency in the industry prevents businesses from getting the connectivity they deserve—connectivity that will fuel their ambitions.

Misconceptions about UK telecoms service providers

Infographic about UK telecoms service providers myths

Myth #1: Each ISP has its own fibre network

You may believe that each Internet Service Provider (ISP) has its own dedicated fibre network. In reality, most ISPs in London resell legacy Openreach infrastructure rather than relying on a network they built. This leads to unreliable connections and slow speeds for their customers.  

Vorboss is the only ISP in London that has purpose-built its fibre network from scratch, using the latest technology and design. We are the only vertically integrated ISP dedicated to business in London, owning the network and service end-to-end. This gives us complete control and responsibility over our network, delivery, infrastructure, and customer experience.  

Unlike other ISPs, we have no third parties involved at any stage of the process. Our in-house team handles everything from customer service, contracts, billing, installation, network design, and more. Customers deal directly with the engineers who built the network, ensuring quick response times for fault rectification, installations, and bandwidth upgrades.  

Because we own the network, we can provide transparent pricing and commercial terms. There are no hidden costs or extra charges; the bandwidth you purchase is the bandwidth you receive.  

Myth #2: Legacy networks are the most secure

Another misconception in the telecommunications industry is the belief that legacy networks are inherently more secure than AltNets. Telecoms companies claim that their older networks are more secure than their competitors, but the truth is that the age of a network does not determine its security level.  

We understand the importance of network security at Vorboss. We designed our brand-new network with the latest security measures to ensure the highest level of protection for our customers' data.  

Unlike legacy fibre networks that use on-street infrastructure, which can be vulnerable to vandalism, weather, power failures, and traffic damage, we deliver direct cable connectivity to eliminate these risks. We have diverse routing options to ensure resilience, and no one is ever more than 20 minutes away from a Vorboss engineer in Central London. We also have 24/7 proactive network monitoring and operational support from experienced network and security operations professionals.

No network is ever 100% secure, regardless of whether it's a legacy network or a newer one. Security is determined by the measures to protect the network, not by age. So, the belief that legacy networks are inherently more secure is a myth.

Myth #3: No one really needs 10Gbps bandwidth

Many mistakenly believe that businesses don't need to have 10Gbps bandwidth. Why, then, are we at Vorboss trying to make 10Gbps the new standard in speed and capacity?

For London to remain a global leader, its businesses must be future-proofed. Bandwidth consumption is constantly growing – data requirements are doubling every two years – so limited bandwidth will quickly start holding back the companies driving our city's economy. They need to be able to use emerging technologies, such as AI and quantum computing, to remain competitive.

Businesses can focus on innovation, transformation, and gaining a competitive edge by removing bandwidth concerns. We understand that some companies may not need that much bandwidth right now, but we provide it on purpose so they will never have to worry about running out in the future. Connectivity should never be a limitation for business growth.

If your business uses 1Gbps, then it uses a legacy product. The network these internet service providers use would need substantial upgrades to provide what Vorboss provides – 10Gbps as a minimum, with the capability to quickly ramp up to 100Gbps on the same network. We invested £250m into a brand-new fibre network designed for forward-thinking organisations' current and future needs.

Selling less than 10Gbps doesn't make sense to us, as it doesn't cost us any less to provide you with less bandwidth. ISPs charging incrementally for bandwidth consumption are exploiting customers to maximise profits. We don't constrain or manufacture bandwidth, and we provide purposeful abundance and transparency in pricing to our customers.    

Myth #4: ISPs have the right to throttle your internet speeds

Throttling refers to ISPs temporarily slowing down your internet connection speed to manage their network capacity. This practice is often associated with wireless and mobile ISPs, but even some business fibre providers use throttling. But is that allowed?  

Here's the truth – if your ISP is throttling your internet speeds, it should be outlined in your service level agreement (SLA). You have the right to be aware if you're not getting the rate you're paying for all day, every day.  

It's important to note that ISPs are required to be transparent in their approach to net neutrality and traffic management. ISPs are prohibited from prioritising certain types of traffic over others and cannot intentionally slow down your connection. If you feel like throttling tactics from your current provider are holding you back, it's time to demand more or consider switching to a reliable ISP.  

At Vorboss, we never throttle customer speeds, regardless of the bandwidth package customers choose. We believe in providing reliable and consistent internet speeds to our customers without sneaky tactics to hold them back. Besides, we offer Direct Internet Access (DIA), delivering connectivity to each specific customer via their own direct fibre connection. That means no varying speeds or sharing bandwidth.

Why you should demand more from UK telecoms companies

We have brought a new type of business-only internet and service to London, which is better and different from other UK telecoms companies. We want to lift the lid on industry secrets and call things out for the long-term health of our customers and the city.  

We envision a future where the bandwidth for any task is available, allowing businesses to explore new solutions, ways of working, and technologies in the same way unlimited data has changed consumer behaviour with handheld devices. In turn, London will be able to compete at the highest level for years to come.  

The telecommunications industry is ever-changing, and customers should always demand the best from their telecoms companies. Don't be fooled by the myths and misconceptions about them—your business deserves better.  

If you want to learn more about connecting with us, speak to one of our experts today.